When I think of certain icons, I think of what I remember from my childhood and are still around today. In my opinion, I believe my first icon is the original king of cartoon comedy, Mr. Bugs Bunny. Not only is Bugs an icon in himself, but all of the Loony Tunes is. How can you grow up and never have a Loony tunes show come across your TV and not laugh? You cannot! When I was a kid I remember just sitting down and watching Bugs and the gang making me laugh over and over again, heck, they still do! I plan on showing my daughter Loony Tunes when she gets a little older, she is only going to be three in July.
My second icon would have to be Batman. I was born in 1984 so when I was growing up Tim Burton was releasing all of the classic Batman movies, but batman was way before my time and is still making block buster films today! Batman is what the people need him to be in time of desperation, he is America's Dark Knight.
My final, and maybe greatest icon is Back to the Future, all three!. I for one am a hardcore fan of the Back to the Future movies, I even have all three cars in model form in there original boxes, never open, right in front of me on my shelf as I write this. Another great movie that brings back timeless memories. My mom actually told me recently that we all went to the drive in and saw this in 1985, I was one year old, but I can say I saw it in the drive in lol. This movie has a nice little story to me. My Dad died when I was three years old, so that didn't give me anytime to have memories of him at all. When my mom said we all went to the drive in to see this movie, the first thing I asked was, Was Dad with us?, she said yes. To me now when I watch this movie I can say I watched this with my Dad when I was one year old. May sound corny to others, but its a little something I have now between my Dad and I, for the three years we were together.